Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Some RCL Blogs to Browse

Perhaps this should read:
"Your informed opinion counts!"
But you get the idea.

Source: neighborhoodnotes.com
Your first posts to your Rhetoric and Civic Life blog are due by the end of Thursday and I wanted to point you to a few successful blogs from last semester.  You'll see that the most recent entry is about the e-Portfolio, but the others are, on the whole, very good examples of either an engagement of rhetoric in action, or else an analysis of civic engagement encountered by the blogger.

So feel free to browse through some of these to look for topic ideas.  You may not know all the terminology yet, but the earlier entries should make good sense all on their own.

Finally--and I'm sure you've already thought of this--be sure to re-read the directions for the RCL blog so you have a sense of what we're aiming for.

Good luck!

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