Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Passion Blog Ideas

We'll talk more about passion blog topics in the coming days, but I wanted to direct your attention to several from previous semesters that most successfully tackled the blogging task.  Sure, there may be a missing image here or a dead link there (it IS a year later...), but they still represent good quality writing for the blogging medium.  Plus, these entries hint at the diverse range of topics you could choose to explore.

I've linked directly to the first entry for a few of these, since they lay out a clear objective for the blog.  But you can click through each author's blog archives to find more, or click on the top banner to get to the most recent entries.

A Little Sincerity (is a dangerous thing) covers the effects--often environmental--of our culture of excess.

The Mile 27 Experiment chronicles one student's decision to train for a marathon, and the semester-long journey that resulted.

So's Your Bass is a tutorial for those wanting to play the electric bass better.  Entries often provide direction for playing popular songs (with YouTube videos recorded by the author), or spotlight the technique of a famous bassist.  Plus, there's a widget at the bottom that lets you listen to high quality versions of the author playing along with a variety of tunes.

Passion via Cookie reflects on and applies (or mis-applies) the philosophy of one fortune cookie a week.

A Bromance in the Making explores the qualities of roommates, friends, and bros, using evocative anecdotes from the author's first-year dorm experience.  Hilarity ensues.

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