Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sample E-Portfolios

Here's a set of links to some of the better portfolios we examined in class last week, as well as two (truly excellent) newly crafted ones.  Hope it helps as you think about your own!

As a reminder, some of these are for the Excellence in Communication Certificate (ECC), so the included components may vary slightly from what I've requested.  But they should give you a sense of how communication portfolios function overall.

Rose Monahan's E-Portfolio (ECC)
Marvin Johnson (LA 101H)
Ashley Conner (ECC--minor navigation concerns; otherwise sound)
August Dombrow (ECC--Very nice discussion/introduction; executes (mostly) black-and-white design really well)
Sara Battikh (Professional!  Lots here, but the variety is necessary for a Telecomm major)

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